Sunday, December 14, 2008

Project Mancave - picture wall

Here is the wall that is planned for the main picture wall. I need to get a straight-on photo posted so you can help me decide if I should center the group over the shuffleboard table OR in the center of the wall. I've stared at it a lot and it seems like I should center over the table. I'll have to get some "designer" eyes to make the final call. Still a few things underneath that need to find a new home.

Yesterday I was able to finish the lining for the panels- gosh it's sooo heavy. I will definitely get a work out when finishing up the panels. I also got a good start on a job that needs to go out to a design firm prior to Christmas. A productive day yesterday even though there were a couple of snafus. Turns out I ordered one size too large boxed pillow forms for the fireplace hearth. I'm going to call tomorrow and re-order the smaller size - they should get here in time. Also, the trim I ordered earlier in the week turned out to be "undeliverable" ??? according to an e-mail I received from FedEx. Turns out the driver couldn't find my address?? Not sure what happened there, mapquest seems to get most people here, maybe it's a contract holiday driver that doesn't know his/her way around. I'll call and get it straightened out when I feel like being on hold for a few minutes.

I ended my busy day with some laughing out loud watching the newest episode of Saturday Night Live. The events, or corruption!, surrounding the Governor of Illinois wasn't going to go un-noticed by the SNL cast. It was hilarious irreverance, as usual. Being from Illinois I felt I deserved some extra laughs. Unfortunately for the residents of my home state, this isn't the first Governor that has handed the SNL cast easy material for a skit!

Iced tea in hand, I'm heading out the door to finish up Christmas shopping for gifts that need to be shipped; workroom this afternoon to make forward progress before 4. After that, I'll be "out of order" watching the Panthers hopefully beat the Broncos!


Dora Maria said...

Kelly, I also was up late watching SNL, too funny about his hair!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, What about using Minutes Matters to try out the different layout options for your wall.